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Autism news: Catch Them Doing Something Right
May 28, 2019

When our kids have so many limitations, it goes without saying that they often don’t have a lot of success in their lives. This can lead to discouragement and a low view of themselves.

Last week I suggested that we tell our kids how much we love and value them. They need to hear this from us every single day.

Another effective strategy for encouraging our kids is to “catch” them doing something right. Even if it’s something small.

For example, any attempt to help out should be rewarded with lots of praise, regardless of how imperfect their efforts may be.

Statements like, “Thank you so much Suzie for helping me carry the grocery bags. You are such a big helper!” can go a long way toward giving her the encouragement she needs.

You could even make this a challenge or contest you set up for yourself. See how many good things your child does that you can notice, and reward her with plenty of praise and recognition for her efforts.

I can guarantee you that this alone will not only boost her morale and lift her spirits, but it will likely increase her motivation to learn and improve.

Warm Regards,

Kay Donato

Discover Autism Help, LLC

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