Running the store!

by Jan
(Waterville, OH)

Heard a cool story on KLuv FM! A lady went to the grocery store with her 2 blind, autistic daughters. She was hoping to make a quick trip. One of the girls began to have a meltdown. Mom tried to console her to no avail. As everyone began to stare the clerk behind the counter began to engage the girl by guiding her to scan the items on the counter. The little girl brightened right up as playing "store" was one of her favorite activities! The mother was so encouraged by the kind act of a compassionate person!

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May 11, 2016

by: Kay

That's a wonderful story! I think most parents, even of neuro-typical children, have been in a similar situation. Think crying newborn... I think it's important for parents to remember that others aren't near as bothered by our children's behavior as we are. And it's so nice when people are helpful, understanding and compassionate.

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